Agreement for Meticulon Assessment Service

Nature and Purpose of MAS

Meticulon Assessment Service (MAS) is an initiative that has been made possible by funding from the Federal Government of Canada. It is a pilot project that aims to determine the employability skills of youth with diverse abilities. This is done through a 10-hour assessment, which is followed by individualized coaching, utilizing an online platform, as well as one-on-one sessions. In addition, individuals can expect to participate in the following: information nights, application and intake processes, software tutorials, and individualized coaching. This service is currently free of charge; all those affected will be notified should this service become for fee. Participation is voluntary.

Mutual Responsibilities

Once a candidate has successfully completed an application form, they will be screened for eligibility into the program. This dependent on several variables, including fit for the program, as well as timing/program availability. It is necessary for individuals to participate in all aspects of the intake process to be included in assessments. Individuals must also complete all 10 hours of the assessment process in order to determine employability skills. Caregivers are required to attend coaching sessions, and to actively participate in the coaching objectives developed with MAS staff.

While the MAS assessment identifies areas where coaching may be valuable, MAS staff will collaborate with caregivers and individuals to develop goals towards desired outcomes. This process will be agreed upon during the one-on-one coaching sessions in order to develop an action plan to address any noted areas of improvement.

MAS staff, participants and their caregivers are entitled to a safe and respectful environment which is conducive to the program objectives. Should program staff, participants and/or their guardians or others indicate that they feel otherwise, this will be addressed in a manner that prioritizes safety and wellbeing.

Confidentiality Protections and Limitations

All information that is collected is kept private and confidential. Different regions of MAS only have access to their data. MAS is required to regularly report to the Federal Government to ensure we are meeting the anticipated program outcomes. Any data shared for these purposes is anonymized.

There are some legal circumstances under which we need to break confidentiality:

  1. If we believe a participant or caregiver is at risk of harm to themselves or someone else
  2. There is suspicion or risk of abuse or neglect of any vulnerable person, this includes children, the elderly and individuals with disabilities
  3. If we are served with a court order

MAS staff will sometimes be involved in dual relationships while providing supports and coaching to participants and their caregivers. MAS will attempt to meet with both caregivers and participants to minimize the likelihood of these events. If this is not possible, individual sessions will be scheduled. Unless otherwise specified in these instances, consent will be assumed for any information that is shared.


The MAS software utilizes the current industry standard of 256-bit encryption to ensure information is kept safe and confidential. Our servers and all collected data are stored in Canada to ensure your privacy. We have safeguards in place to protect your information; however, this also requires that individuals carefully select secure passwords, and do not share information with others.

Likely Benefits and Risks

Some aspects of the application, interview/intake, assessment and coaching process may be uncomfortable for some individuals. For example, it may be troubling to recall certain experiences, and others may find it difficult to receive constructive feedback. This discomfort is anticipated to be temporary. As the intent behind MAS is the development of employability skills, exploring previous experiences may provide insight which may be beneficial during the coaching process.

Accessing and storing information online also comes with benefits and risks. Using the MAS software tool supports the coaching experience as it provides live feedback from all individuals involved in the employability skill development process. In the unlikely event there are technical difficulties with the software, alternatives will be made available. It is each participant's and/or guardian’s responsibility to update contact information and/or guardianship status in a timely fashion.

In the two areas noted above, the positive benefits of the services being provided typically outweigh the outlined risks.

Option to Refuse or Withdraw

Candidates (participants and/or guardians) have the option to refuse or withdraw from services at any time without consequence to the individuals involved and/or the established relationship with MAS. This also includes mutually agreed upon action plans discussed in the Mutual Responsibilities section of this document.

Service Alternatives

Should any individual involved with MAS determine that they require additional supports, or may benefit from other services, MAS staff can provide the information of agencies that may provide the identified services (if available). This may also occur should MAS staff determine that additional supports or services may benefit individuals prior to proceeding with MAS. Any costs for these services are the responsibility of the individuals and/or their guardians.

Services Not Covered by This Agreement

MAS is a tool to assess employability skills; as such, this resource does not guarantee employability. MAS staff do not provide services that go beyond the realm of coaching and action plan development.

A member of the MAS team will review this consent form with you during the interview process.

If you have any questions or concerns about the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information, please contact MAS's Privacy Officer directly. If the response you receive does not satisfy your request, please contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta:

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta
Suite 2406, 801 6th Ave SW
Calgary, AB  T2P 3W2
Phone: (403) 297-2728
Fax: (403) 297-2711
Toll Free: 1-888-878-4044